Author Rick Hamlet
Who Goes to Hell: The Lie Christians Believe
Highly Recommended For Every Person, Believer Or Not, To Review And Consider ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews. 10.0+ out of 10.0 stars
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This book is a Last Days’ warning to the Church. Stating that the return of Jesus is near, the author asks a poignant question, “Will Jesus be coming for you? Or, will you hear him say, ‘Depart from Me. I never knew you.’ ”
This is a stern warning against complacency perpetuated by wrong doctrine. In this book, the author presents fundamental teachings that will help one discern the Kingdom of God, and what is required to enter.
Digging deep into Scripture, the author journeys, records and comments through a resounding amount of teachings and scripture verses, offering an overview of the main elements of salvation and the Kingdom of God.
Sound Biblical doctrine remains the focus to include the parables of Jesus. Developed through much study, one would do well to read this book and discern for themselves and ask, Are they going to Heaven or have they been deceived either by self, the world or both?
With discernment and insight, this book has 64 chapters explaining who goes to hell with many other teachings explaining the temporal and the eternal. While that may sound daunting, the book is laid out well, giving each chapter its own subject title. Making each subject easily understandable, the reader will understand what the Kingdom of Heaven is like, understand Who Jesus is and why we need to be re-born into the Kingdom of God, understand who goes to hell, and so much more, while offering fresh revelation, insight and inspiration into our inheritance as believers in Christ. One will come away knowing the paradigm of the two co-existing realities: the Kingdom of God in Heaven and on the Earth.
Additionally, both the New and Old Covenant teachings are also included within the book, which gives readers a firm grasp of the curse of death that Adam brought and the new life Jesus offers through His death on the cross.
Influential, powerful and most importantly Biblical, this book is full of wisdom for these Last Days to becoming a pure and spotless Bride that Jesus is returning for.
A highly recommended read for every Christian, unbeliever and skeptic. Get your copy of Who Goes to Hell: The Lie Christians Believe as a download in Kindle.