God rules over His creation. Quantum physics has established that particles of the substance of creation are wave functions. Wave functions extend over the whole universe. The composite wave function of one man person extends over the universe. Wave functions can become entangled. The man person consists of a body of flesh, soul for thinking and planning, spirit given by God, and the quintessential essence, heart. The wave function of Christian becomes entangled with the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
The purpose of this little book is to give you some understanding about God and His creation. Physics of relativity is presented, as is some physics of quantum mechanics, and the ramifications of the expanding universe. The sense of time is a consequence of expanding space-time. Time can run forward, or backward, or stay in NOW. NOW is the essential thing of existence as the movement of life from NOW goes into the future. Free will exists in NOW. The elements of causality are in the history of NOW.
God causes nothing as God exists outside as well as inside space-time, observing man and his free will observing from timeless eternity. As man makes decisions and then executes them, God records them in vast books of history, waiting for the final judgment of mankind.