A wonderful Christian book release - This book comes highly recommended as an encouraging read, one that weaves Christian values, a life of doing and wonderful family times for those who relish their memories and love God.
Inconvenient Adventures by Helen Cadd is a wonderful read, one that is written from the heart and from one who has lived a long life serving the Lord in many capacities. Through such, Helen has a very unique perspective that offers attitude adjustments for life, and the inconveniences and challenges we all face. Relating this to a life centered in Christ, these attitudes prove monumental in daily perceptions, as Helen Cadd looks back on her life story and inconvenient adventures.
Helen’s shares from a place of experience and much biblical wisdom. She speaks of her life with Dick, her husband of 58 years and the fun they had together. Her fond memories of their children, the Christmas memories and even childhood memories bring the book to life and makes for a very interesting read. Her life adventures are a testimony to God, family and love, as they lived out many of the Commandments of the Lord (one in particular was to remember the poor).
As the author states, “This is not a book of ‘Do, Don’t and How To.’ It is simply stories in my life of adventures and the results of an attitude change.” Noting that the first key to “opening your life adventures” is a change of attitude. She assures to readers that all is possible with the Lord.
With such chapters as Adventures with the Piano, Adventures With Poverty, Adventures With The Trumpet, Adventures With Scriptures and Prayer and Adventures With Jon Our First Son, all in all, over 15 adventures included. You will love reading Inconvenient Adventures.
Leaving readers with the inspiration, “. . . attitude makes the difference; it can turn disaster into a great memory. It can turn tragedy into triumph. We can learn important lessons and even change disappointments into fun or real joy.”
Her testimony shares the wonderful memories, mishaps and adventures of a life well lived! You may get your copy of Inconvenient Adventures at Amazon or as a download ion Kindle.