Timna Pilch, a former Psychic, Clairvoyant and Medium recounts her tragic story about the dangers of delving on any level into psychic divination, the paranormal and the occult. Demon Portals: A Psychic Medium’s Path to Deliverance is a true story about a lifetime of deception, broken dreams and promises, severe abuse and demonic possession and oppression.
As an author, teacher, speaker, vegan and animal rights advocate, her story is unique in that she is able to articulate the horrific experiences of her life and of how she transitioned from living in hopeless darkness to walking in the light of her eternal Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.
This story covers her journey of anguish and brutal pain from the moment of her birth, subsequent childhood abuse, her eventual enslavement after using a spirit board right up to her being saved and reborn through baptism.
She was revered and highly regarded as a gifted clairvoyant medium and spiritual counselor and spoke nationally about New Age healing modalities. She was born with the gifts of prescience, empathy, the Word of Knowledge and the Word of Wisdom and she unwittingly utilized those gifts in a destructive way. She learned the very hard way of the dangers of seeing that which should NOT be seen and only entrusted to the Lord Himself.
Reading this book brings to the fore the devastating effects of practicing in any of the following fields: psychic divination, clairvoyance, clairsentience, remote viewer, paranormal investigator, demonologist, shaman, witch (Left Hand Path & Right), Cartomancer (tarot cards, Angel cards, playing cards), rune reader, root worker, voodoo practitioner, tea leaf and coffee grounds divination, palm reader, astrologer, numerologist, metaphysician, alchemist, magician, sorcerer, energy healer, crystal healer, light worker, channeling, douser, pendulum divination, and PSYCH-K practitioner.
Demon Portals is a devastating book that comes from a place of deep compassion and empathy for those who suffer from demonic oppression, attachment and possession and for all who suffer and don’t realize they are under attack by the enemy! Bringing such matters into the light for everyone to see, in the hope that all of us can equip ourselves to bring as many lost souls to the Lord as possible by equipping ourselves to bring light where there is darkness.
Demon Portals: A Psychic Medium's Path to Deliverance at Amazon
Demon Portals: A Psychic Medium's Path to Deliverance at Amazon