Author: Brian D. Starr
ISBN # 978-1463517977
Reviewed Date: June 27, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
9.8 stars out of 10.0 stars
This is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read. It is filled with volumes of knowledge about such topics as Divinity, Papacy, Saints, Royalty, Lineage, Decedents, Ancestry, Doctrine, Scripture Leviticus Lines, The Five Generations of God, Priests, Prophets, Kings, Orders, Apostles, history and much, much more. Literally, there is no way to make mention of all the topics in this book review.
Author Brian D. Starr has chronicled some of history’s most historical times shedding light on many topics that the average Christian is not aware of. Truly a well written book that allows the reader to explore and understand, that which is not found in your local church’s teachings.
From The Mysteries of The Priest and The Knight, The Five Generations of God, The Times of The Crucifixion and Ministry of The Lord, The Times of King David, The Ancient Lines of Zeus, The Ancient Lines of God to The Apostles Guardianship, be prepared to be taken through the mysteries of the ages as you explore the pages on this book.
With various charts that chronicle genealogy coupled with the fact that the book is written in a simple format, the reader will find the subjects written easy to follow.
This read is highly educational, thought provoking and challenges the reader to dig deeper into what is written for more in depth studies.
The Priest, The Knight, Zeus And God by Author Brian D. Starr
Highly Educational, Thought Provoking, In Depth Studies
9.8 stars out of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by Christian Book Reviews