Author: Henry Miranda
ISBN: 978-1-60976-110-3
Review Date: March 09, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 on a scale of 10.0 stars
Have you ever wondered what am I doing here on this earth? What is my purpose in this life? Is there life after death? What does it mean to be born-again? If you want more meaning in your life, you have an invitation. You can choose to accept or not to accept. The choice is yours. Love, joy, peace and true meaning and purpose in life are available to all.
Author, Henry Miranda, in his book, “The Path to Eternal Life” invites and encourages you, the reader, to choose life and accept Jesus Christ today as your Lord and Savior. Time is of the essence and there is not a moment to spare for that decision. For none of us know what tomorrow shall bring. Enter into the reality of what it means to have your sins blotted out and have your name written in the Book of Life. Enter now through the narrow gate, Jesus Christ, the giver of Eternal Life.
Beginning with the straightforward question of the choice of Heaven and Hell, the author sets forth a candid dialogue on the life-altering question of life after death. Openly sharing his testimony, the author, discusses what led him to Christ and how Christ delivered him out of the domains of darkness. The author encourages you to know your true purpose in life and to find true life, that which can only be found in the one who can offer eternal life, Jesus Christ.
The author thoroughly describes the process of salvation, step by step and includes explanation in regards to what it means to be born again, what about the Holy Spirit, the journey, the spirit and the flesh, not to mention encouraging chapters such as perseverance and knowing your true purpose. The author fully describes what it means to walk in the light and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life.
An awakening to those who question that there is really a God, the author takes a real look at the reality of sin and a life separated from God and what can happen to anyone not in Christ. This book is a prophetic call ‘for such a time as this’ that today is the day of salvation.
This is a powerful, well-written, riveting book and an urgent call to come to the one who can offer eternal life. Scripturally sound and based, this book will encourage anyone who is not in Christ to make a choice for Christ today and not put salvation off until tomorrow. Like a cold cup of water, this book offers refreshment for those who are weary. As water brings life to one’s body, so this book brings life to the soul by giving the truth of God’s Word. What an eye-opener and a powerful ministry tool!
This book comes highly recommended. It’s all I can do to not buy a box load and pass them out to my neighbors. This book will put you on fire for Christ, enrich your life in everyway; what an impact for eternity this book will make on anyone who reads it.
The Path To Eternal Life
Author, Henry Miranda, in his book, “The Path to Eternal Life” invites and encourages you, the reader, to choose life and accept Jesus Christ today as your Lord and Savior. Time is of the essence and there is not a moment to spare for that decision. For none of us know what tomorrow shall bring. Enter into the reality of what it means to have your sins blotted out and have your name written in the Book of Life. Enter now through the narrow gate, Jesus Christ, the giver of Eternal Life.
Beginning with the straightforward question of the choice of Heaven and Hell, the author sets forth a candid dialogue on the life-altering question of life after death. Openly sharing his testimony, the author, discusses what led him to Christ and how Christ delivered him out of the domains of darkness. The author encourages you to know your true purpose in life and to find true life, that which can only be found in the one who can offer eternal life, Jesus Christ.
The author thoroughly describes the process of salvation, step by step and includes explanation in regards to what it means to be born again, what about the Holy Spirit, the journey, the spirit and the flesh, not to mention encouraging chapters such as perseverance and knowing your true purpose. The author fully describes what it means to walk in the light and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life.
An awakening to those who question that there is really a God, the author takes a real look at the reality of sin and a life separated from God and what can happen to anyone not in Christ. This book is a prophetic call ‘for such a time as this’ that today is the day of salvation.
This is a powerful, well-written, riveting book and an urgent call to come to the one who can offer eternal life. Scripturally sound and based, this book will encourage anyone who is not in Christ to make a choice for Christ today and not put salvation off until tomorrow. Like a cold cup of water, this book offers refreshment for those who are weary. As water brings life to one’s body, so this book brings life to the soul by giving the truth of God’s Word. What an eye-opener and a powerful ministry tool!
This book comes highly recommended. It’s all I can do to not buy a box load and pass them out to my neighbors. This book will put you on fire for Christ, enrich your life in everyway; what an impact for eternity this book will make on anyone who reads it.
The Path To Eternal Life