The Virgin Birth, Atonement, Incarnate, Jesus Christ - The Gospel Basics


In His infinite wisdom, God had a plan to reconcile mankind back into fellowship with Himself, without compromising any of His attributes.  He would send His unblemished Lamb, Jesus Christ, to earth to atone for our sins.  To accomplish this God became incarnate, both perfectly human and perfectly divine. This was only made possible through the virgin birth of Jesus

Gospel Basics

A Must Have Prayer Journal

 For ten years our relationship was horrible. We couldn't stand to look at each other, let alone be around each other. Satan wanted to keep it that way because he knew that God had a ministry for us. He tried for a long time to keep that from happening. God has brought us from a long way together. We went through some dreadful experiences with each other. But to God be the glory. What Satan has tried to stop, we rebuked him in the name of Jesus, and is now able to tell our story and to help someone out. We hope that the experiences and prayers in this book will be a blessing to you. We are ready to be used by God in any way possible. We love God and the people He brings our way. This is not our testimony but God's testimony.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer Journal

Is The Coming Great American Eclipse A Warning from God?


In Genesis God declares that He created the sun and the moon for signs. On April 8, 2024, is the Great American Eclipse that crosses over the United States on the first day of the Hebrew month of Nisan (Passover). This was the same first day of the three days of darkness that occurred during the original plagues in Egypt. This solar eclipse is a HEAVENLY sign from the Creator which will be the starting gun for a series of wars over the next several years, including the final war against Amalek which is represented today by Radical Islam - Iran and its Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis, the Islamic Jihad, the Houthis and, some of which, are already attacking US soldiers and facilities in Iraq and Syria almost daily. In this book you'll find every Shemitah Cycle and Jubilee Cycle from the Creation of the World until today. You'll see the timing of major biblical and important historical events.

Dr. Oladapo OsuntoKun Releases A Wonderful Must Read Book

A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Keys to the Troubled Soul: A Self Guide to Daily Struggles by Dr. Oladapo OsuntoKun, a pastor and psychiatrist, has seen many afflicted by mental and emotional struggles. He understands people's troubles and has written a practical self-help guide to help one make sense of life’s maladies, thus offering wisdom, to include practical solutions based on years of experience, coupled with a Christian background. 

This wonderful book uplifts the readers to help them in their time of need. Ultimately, the author leads readers to the “real truth” in life stating, “His name is Jesus.” Within this book, he offers keys to spiritual life in overcoming that include perspective, prayer, and meditation.  

Stating that, “There is no growth without obstacles,” and that “adversities are common,” this self-guide is written with great compassion. Knowing the plethora of human struggles that can take place in one’s life, the author also relates that darkness and hopelessness can plague the mind and soul of an individual, especially wherein one feels isolated with no one to help or talk to. Reading this book is like consulting a caring friend and finding the help one needs in various areas of life, which are all common to mankind.

Giving readers a “how to” achieve “spiritual and mental clarity”, while also addressing practical solutions, and “steps to overcome challenges,” this book is laid out easily, double-spaced with powerful statements. Each sentence has a way of sinking in while reading with this format (instead of paragraphs) that is utilized. The author has created a book with the overall goal of managing daily stress and mental positivity while trusting Jesus and participating in daily Christian disciplines such as prayer; again, his book is extremely practical. Specific issues such as jealousy, betrayal, sorrow, resentment, despair, depression, drug, and alcohol use, stressed, or feeling “stuck”, regret, defeat, and failure produce a true self-help guide. 

Discovering who you are and taming emotions, along with perspective and the inner thought life of a person fosters maturity and transformation. The keys to a positive outlook on life with the aid of functioning as a Christian, seeking Jesus, helps one become “resilient” through life’s trials.

He states, “A real knockdown” can lead to “pin-down” wherein the person is unable to arise; this is where morals, values, and character come into play. One can learn to navigate their response to unannounced calamity. How one responds is key. He continues to give the keys through each chapter that bring maturity and build character. He encourages readers to “Always think positively, the next adversity may contain the path to your success.” Failure, hardship, disappointments, and discouragements are not the end of your story, but can be flipped to a future one may never have imagined. His message is clear: It is not the end when facing adversity.

The “Take Home Summary” at the end of each chapter is especially helpful, as the author encourages readers to keep close to God, keep peace in their heart and mind, as one hears from Jesus and the Word of God for relief, strategies, and solutions.

This book comes as a highly recommended read for those that find living in this world feels more like a battlefield! This author has put a great deal of work into writing a self-help guide that includes many issues that no one on this planet has escaped. Real, practical, uplifting, encouraging, and full of sound wisdom backed by the Biblical wisdom found in Scripture bring much hope to readers. Surely, this book helps one to become a champion in life and leads to a positive mindset that is achievable.

Surely, this book can be of much use to pastors, missionaries, parents, and the next generation as they mature into adults, giving many the tools and keys to unlocking their destinies in life.

You may get your copy of Keys to the Troubled Soul: A Self Guide to Daily Struggles at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Jeff Mootz releases Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus

Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus by Jeff Mootz teaches pivotal, individual discipleship and intimacy with Jesus through a comprehensive step-by-step guide in Going Deeper that includes an 8 Step Module. Personally interactive (also for small groups, churches, or prayer groups), this incredible book is an easy-to-read and practical guidebook that gives readers the “how to” come close to encountering Jesus! 

This is what we are all longing for. We are taught that prayer is communion with God. However, how many really do encounter the One and True Living God? This is a book that will help readers go deeper into praise, worship, and the Word, leading to encountering Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This book will lead to a genuine and deeper relationship with Jesus and mentor many spiritual mothers and fathers. 

Each module has been developed with practical reading assignments and prayer assignments. This is also an intimate discipleship tool for those who desire to become spiritual mentors. Within this book, he builds a structure that will take time through the 8 Prayer Modules of Spiritual Planning, Friendship with God, Meditation, Praying in the Spirit, Deliverance, Bible Study, Fasting, and the Throne Room ushering in a Biblical and passionate study guide bringing firm dedication to the Lord with a heart of full surrender. Challenging readers to look at certain heart issues brings a commitment that stems from a loving relationship with encountering Jesus. These steps are fostered on a daily basis. Communication and friendship flow with the Holy Spirit. Readers not only encounter the Lord but hear from Him themselves. This is truly an amazing study guide!

Jeff Mootz is a seasoned prayer minister and pastor with over 16 years of experience in leadership with a degree from the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. This book comes highly recommended for those that want to “go deeper” and truly know the will of the Lord and better understand His Word, and also for those that truly desire to be led by the Holy Spirit, to include the discovery of their own giftings in the Lord.

Additionally, this study guide, Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus is a well-balanced book that brings enrichment and knowledge to the soul through the daily Bible study, tears down strongholds and blockages of the enemy, and so much more…leading to blessings. 

“To Know Him is to love Him, to serve Him is to obey Him and only those that follow Him will be those that become spiritual mothers and fathers disciplining others and their children in the Lord. 

Title: Going Deeper:
40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus
By: Jeff Mootz
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+ stars

You may get your copy of Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus at Amazon. For more information about the author and his ministry visit Prayer DiscipleshipYou may also order your copy of Jeff's Mootz book directly from the author at Going Deeper and at The Prayer Discipleship Shop where you can also find more information about The Going Deeper Course.

Christian Author Arlette Thomas-Fletcher


 "Giving God Love To Others" is a great book for every Christian and every Christian leader. It is a book that talks about how important it is to show the love of God. So often as Christians, our behavior does not reflect the love behavior that God wants us to show. We sometimes are unaware that we are out of line with the way we are reacting or behaving toward others. This book addresses the importance of taking the time to assure that we show this love behavior and it outlines scripture in a way that we can stay on track.

You may get your copy of
Giving God's Love To Others at Amazon.

Be sure to visit the author at
Arlette Thomas-Fletcher

A Love Story Between Jesus and A Modern-Day Woman Sent Back In Time


A Must-Read Book 

Saving Christ is a love story between Jesus and a modern-day woman sent back in time. Time travel sends the woman to the last seven days of Jesus’ life from a modern viewpoint.

This tale is a new telling of the greatest story ever told, in religious science-fiction, the first of its kind. We invite you to read along to discover the human side of Jesus.

For more information about author, Francis T. Perry Williams visit JC Time Travel. You may get your copy of Saving Christ: Starway Seven at Amazon and on Kindle as a download.

Partnered With Christ

Author Clinton Bezan is a compelling and authentic Christian apologist and published author proclaiming the truth of the Bible as God's word and the gospel of Jesus Christ. His unique appreciation and passion for Christ are evident in his answer to God's call to write.  

Find out more about the author and his books at 
Partnered With Christ and at Clinton Bezan at Amazon.

Making A Difference - Parenting God's Way

 Louise Clayton
How to raise our children in a Godly fashion


Pastor Louise draws upon Scripture and her own experiences as a mother and grandmother to teach how to raise our children in a Godly fashion. 

In today's world where children are distracted and drawn away from the Church and Christian principles, especially the intensely secular world of public education, the IT universe (think of cell phones used by children ten to twelve hours a day), and the emphasis on pleasing one's self, she takes us to the Bible for the lessons that transcend time and history, related to truth, honesty, self-sacrifice, obedience (especially to parents!), and, ultimately, to God and Jesus for answers on how to live.

For more great videos and ministry visit Louise Clayton at Lawrence Clayton on YouTube. You can also visit Louise at Bible Studies With Louise Clayton

Authors For Christ - Christian Authors and Writers Wanted

 Christian Books - Authors for Christ
Come and Take Part In Our Next Publication 

Author For Christ

Highly Recommended Reading


There is a gap in our gospel that is creating an environment of division along the lines of race, class, ethnicity, culture, language, age, and socio-economic status. But deep down in the core of our being is a VIP Light that wants to shine to bring the broken pieces together. Songs have been composed about it; sonnets and poems have been written about it; philosophers have pondered on it; and prophets have spoken of it. 

The cross section of humanity in all social structures of women, children, and men from all cultures, languages, and color cry for this light to shine. If this light is to break out and pierce the pockets of darkness in all our social structures (family, education, business, media/politics, arts/entertainment, government/military, and religion), God's VIP Christians will have to lead the way. When Jesus asked "Who do people say I am" Peter said "You are Christ the Son of the Living God." If we were to ask our families, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and coworkers, "Who do people say we are," would people know us as God's VIP Christians? 

Check your VIP status and see the gap in your gospel and be the successful Christian God has created from eternity. The VIP Christian is first in the VIP Series consisting of the "The VIP Prayer", "The VIP Family", The VIP Education", The VIP Church" and the "VIP Business"

The VIP Christian 

Fear of Failing vs. Living Confidently in God’s Love

A Must Read - Reverend Matthew Hogan writes, How to Be a Christian in Today’s World, is aptly subtitled, Shame or Fear of Failing vs. Living Confidently in God’s Love. 

This sets the stage for his book that blends his own upbringing and life to shed light on ultimately God’s Word, as he and his wife came together in their faith. Growing up in the early 60’s presents an era gone by as he segways into advocating an understanding of God’s love. 

Admittedly, no one is spared trials and tribulations of life, as he shares intense family hardships and deaths that shaped his young childhood. Coming from a place of deep trauma experiencing the loss of his brother and the further dissolution of his parent’s marriage, he writes a book that presents a Biblical way to understand trials, maturing in Christ, and overcoming by the Spirit of God. Full of compassion and true to Scripture, readers will find his book refreshing.

Separated into four categories such chapters as: Baby Steps, I am Loved! Churchese vs. the Word,  and Walk it Out. With a Workbook section with questions in the back (6 sessions), which  can be utilized as an at home personal study guide, or even within a close group setting. He addresses real life issues, feelings, and behaviors bringing a deeper faith, and reliance upon God, His Spirit, knowing we are loved by God, as he delves into the truth of the Word of God.

This is one of those books that doesn’t smooth over subjects, but helps readers understand the immensity of God’s grace and love, offering solutions for the person that has been wounded and that has dealt with trauma. He has known this all too well in his own life, and he presents an easy read that is full of encouragement. 

In his last Chapter (p. 102), He states, “Like love, we can see that the ability to live a Godly life comes from God.” Further stating, “Everything about the Spirit will free us, guide us, and teach us, providing for Godly living.” He gives further instruction to readers that summarizes and shows readers the “how-to” relying on God by and through the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit. It is his firm belief that we cannot do “Christianity” by ourselves, but we “love” because God has loved us first. 

A Wonderful, well rounded Biblical guide to navigating life in culture that is against “walking in the light.” 

Highly recommended for all, new or mature believers,  also to those who want to deepen their faith. Living as a Christian requires growth, maturity, and then full reliance on God. 

You may get your copy of How to Be a Christian in Today’s World at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Title: How to Be a Christian in Today’s World
By: Reverend Matthew Hogan
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+ stars